Support Evergreen Now

The work we do depends on you.

Support Evergreen Now
Photo by Sergei A / Unsplash

This spring, we are offering our VIP Membership for $20/month. A 50% savings.

We are running this offer until the end of May.

After this offer expires - VIP Membership will be $40 a month.

Your paid membership supports the day-to-day work that keeps Evergreen current and engaged in a conversation that supports forest-to-community health - and fosters a mutually inclusive approach to stewardship.

As a Friend of Evergreen - VIP Member - you receive our newsletter and access to all content on our website - including all Evergreen Magazine Publications that are stored in our Archives. You will also have access to exclusive online and in-person events and products.

We encourage you to take advantage of our offer for two reasons:
It's a great deal - and it gives you access to 40 years of Evergreen's content.
2. Evergreen survives only if those who find value in our content support our work. It's that simple. We can't do this without the support of our subscribers.

For those who want to support Evergreen at a higher level, there are other membership opportunities on the subscription page.

Much gratitude to those of you who responded and contributed during our
end-of-year fundraiser. Those contributions are crucial for the survival of non-profits everywhere - and we are so appreciative that you chose us. We will be adding you to the new membership lists as we move forward.

Our PayPal account is available if you would like to donate a specific ongoing amount not listed on our subscription page.

No matter the amount of your contribution - we are very excited to explore all the ways we can thank you.

All the best,
Jim and Julia and the Evergreen Team

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