Counties On Fire
Evergreen’s grassroots initiative to educate and engage the public in a dialogue about the economic and environmental costs of the increasing size, damage, and occurrence of Wildfire.

The American West is burning. Whether started by nature or man, forest fires grow more destructive each year. A decrease in harvest and salvage, combined with an increase in young tree and underbrush growth, suppression of controlled burns, and urban density has given us forests that are fuel laden and ready to ignite.
There are solutions but time is running out to reverse course. We must understand how we got to this point and begin the proactive practice of fire resiliency within our forests, the Wildland Urban Interface, and within our communities. It is time for sustainable, active stewardship at the local level.
We must achieve a harmonious existence with our natural resources. We can give future generations the gift of clean air and water, healthy forests, a vibrant economy, and a sustainable supply of fuel, building materials, and wildlife habitat.