Front And Center

We Best Check Our Guns and Knives At The Door
Every major conservation group in our country – including the venerable Nature Conservancy - has endorsed the urgent need for the

Biden Wildfire Scorecard No. 3
With President Biden’s climate change agenda on a collision course with the West’s wildfire pandemic, I can only

Biden Wildfire Scorecard No. 2
Now that Tom Vilsack is back in the driver’s seat at the Department of Agriculture, it’s time for

Tom Vilsack to a White Paging Telephone Please
Tom Vilsack is back at his old desk in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Vilsack, 70, won easy confirmation

Carl Stoltenberg is rolling over in his grave: Part 3
Carl Stoltenberg was retired and nearly blind by the time Bob Zybach finished his Master’s thesis and he died

Carl Stoltenberg is rolling over in his grave: Part 2
Bob Zybach was still running reforestation crews in 1988, but Northern Spotted Owl jitters and a housing starts were the

Carl Stoltenberg is Rolling Over in His Grave: Part 1
I got a telephone call one morning in April 1987 that was to change my professional life. The caller was

The Story of “Our Daily Wood”
The Biden Administration’s ambitious climate change initiative and its parallel commitment to creating “green jobs” provide a timely and

How big is a ton of C02?
I recently stumbled across a fascinating essay on the Environmental Defense Fund website. It asks and visually answers a great

Front and Center: Biden Wildfire Scorecard No. 1
The Biden Administration lost no time implementing the big pieces of its promised climate change initiative. It’s much too

Front and Center: Triage Forestry
In a recent three-part essay – posted January 4, 6 and 8 on our website - I said I thought it

Front and Center: Nature doesn't give a damn which political party you claim
This is the first in a series of weekly blogs by our founder Jim Petersen. Up Front is an editorial