Counties On Fire
Counties On Fire: Lincoln County: Resources
1 min read
Lincoln County Community Wildfire Prevention Plan (CWPP)Download the Lincoln County CWPP (PDF, 2.2MB) Lincoln County Community Wildfire Prevention Plan (CWPP)Download the Lincoln County CWPP (PDF, 2.2MB)Lincoln County Community Wildfire Prevention Plan (CWPP)Download the Lincoln County CWPP (PDF, 2.2MB)The intent of the Lincoln County CWPP is to document the accomplishments of the county Firewise program, the effectiveness of the program and the future direction needed. The plan is intended to be dynamic and flexible in regard to looking at opportunities to improve the wildfire preparedness of the county.
Lincoln County Community Wildfire Prevention Plan (CWPP)Download the Lincoln County CWPP (PDF, 2.2MB)
Counties On Fire Report
- Fire And Your Landscape (PDF, 168k)
- Fire Resistant Plants For Home Landscapes (PDF, 3.4MB)
- Fire Resistant Plants For Montana Landscapes (PDF, 249k)
Reports And Research
- Stanford Wildfire Research: Overview
- Stanford Wildfire Research: The Health Impacts Of Wildfire
- Good Neighbor Authority, Spring Update (PDF, 2.1MB)
- Montana DNRC Fact Sheet 2021 (PDF, 190k)
- USFS Guidebook (PDF, 16.1MB)
Wildfire Emissions And Impact
- Wildfire Emissions In Montana
- The Hidden Cost Of Wildfire Smoke
- Impact Of Wildfires On Climate And Air Quality (PDF, 6.8MB)
- Wildfire Emissions, Carbon, And Climate (PDF, 739k)
- Wildfire Smoke Composition (PDF, 389k)
- Conversion Calculators
Education, Prevention, And Planning
- Fire Prevention, Education, and Mitigation
- BTUs Per Cord Of Wood (PDF, 504k)
- Structures Destroyed By Wildfire
- Firewise Seasonal Checklist (PDF, 94k)
- NACo - National Association of Counties - Wildfire Playbook
Cost Share Grants
- Christina Oppegard
University of Montana
(406) 243-2773
Emergency Management, Hazard/Disaster, And Wildfire Operations
- Audrey Walleser
Emergency Management Specialist at State of Montana, All Hazard & Wildland Fire Operations at All Hazard Disaster Operations
PO Box 1280, Townsend, MT 59644 - 7thdirectionmt@gmail.com
(406) 855.8342